Sunday, October 20, 2013

USART with ATmega32


The Universal Synchronous and Asynchronous serial Receiver and Transmitter (USART) is a highly flexible serial communication device. It is the easiest way to communicate with a computer. Many softwares such as MATLAB, Scilab, Mathmatica, etc., provide libraries that support serial communication. Real time data logging can be easily done due to its speed and flexibility in features. The USART uses two lines Tx and Rx, the data is transmitted through the Tx line and received through the Rx line. Let's see how to make ATmega32 communicate with a laptop.

ADXL345 Accelerometer using ATmega32

The ADXL345 is a tiny, low cost and ultra-low power 3-axis accelerometer which works on both SPI and TWI interfaces. It has use selectable sensitivity and give quite reliable readings considering its cost. The ADLX345 circuit in the IMU has TWI interface. I will be using ATmega32 in the following project clocked at 8MHz using the internal oscillator.
Here is the circuit diagram of how the ADXL345 accelerometer is connected, also you can see that the slave address is given as 0x53. The address can also be found out from the I2C scanner as shown here.
The ADX345 supports the standard (100 kHz) and the fast (400 kHz) data transfer modes. For more info see datasheet.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

I2C Scanner

The fast and easy way to find out the i2c devices connected to arduino. It also helps to find out whether the wiring is correct or not, usually people tend to interchange the SCL and SDA wire and waste a lot of time.